Warrant of Seizure for School TaxesProvince of Québec,School municipality of The school commissioners (or trustees) for the municipalityof ............................, in the county of ............. .............................................................. To any bailiff, acting in and for the district of ........... Whereas (name and description of the debtor) has been requiredby the secretary-treasurer of the school commissioners (ortrustees) for the municipality of ............................,in the county of ............................., to pay into hishands, for the use of the said school commissioners (ortrustees), the sum of ....................., being the amountdue by him to the said school commissioners (or trustees) asappears by the collection roll of the said municipality for theyear ...........; and whereas the said (name of the debtor) hasneglected and refused to pay to the said secretary-treasurer,within the delay required by law, the said sum of (the amount inwords) with the costs of notice and service amounting to (theamount in words); these are, therefore, to command you to seize,without delay, the goods and chattels of the said (name ofdebtor) which may be found within the limits of the saidmunicipality; if, within the space of eight days after suchseizure, the above-mentioned sums, with the reasonable expensesof the said seizure, are not paid, then you shall sell accordingto law the said goods and chattels so by you held, and you shallpay over the moneys arising from such sale to thesecretary-treasurer of the said school commissioners (ortrustees), so that he may apply the same as by law directed, andreturn the surplus, if any, when demanded, to the said (name ofthe debtor), or to whom it may concern; and, if such seizurecannot be effected, in default of goods liable to seizure, youshall then certify the same to me so that such proceedings maybe had as the law may require. Given under my hand and the seal of the said corporation ofschool commissioners (or trustees) this ................ day ofthe month of ............. in the year of Our Lord one thousandnine hundred and ................., at ................. in theforesaid district. (Signature)